красная площадь (Red Square)
I had a little bit of time today to continue my search for Edward Snowden, so I decided to check out Moscow's famous Red Square. I started off at St. Basil's Cathedral, which was beautiful in the snow.
There were a bunch of ice sculptures around the cathedral. I thought the mini-cathedral sculpture was pretty cool.
I was told that there are different displays and attractions in the middle of the square every few months. Right now there's a big ice-skating rink decorated with the Olympic colors.
Right outside Red Square there is a huge statue to a Russian Army General, Georgy Zhukov.
Whoever designed the Olympic mascots did a horrible job. Nevertheless, the Russians seem to like them. I've seen the mascots all around town taking pictures with tourists.
Also outside of Red Square was this really cool Olympic countdown clock. Only 25 days left!
Across the street from Red Square is a huge underground shopping mall at Manezhnaya Square. It had a really cool food court with a bunch of American restaurants (if you look closely, you can see a sign for Sbarro above the fountain).
There is another large mall that is part of Red Square called GUM (it's pronounced "goom"). This mall was even more high-end than the other one. I liked all the Olympic decorations.
I thought it was pretty funny that they had a dude dressed up as an Olympic glove at one of the entrances.
They even had a store full of official Olympic merchandise. I wanted to buy something, but everything was super expensive.
Well, I guess I didn't find Edward Snowden at Red Square, but check out who I found instead: Stalin and Lenin!